What a Journey It Has Been!!!

I am a seeker of wisdom on a pilgrimage of self-discovery. The whisperings of Spirit call me to make the journey inward. The Unseen Realm provides the courage needed to face the revulsion of my deepest and darkest aspects. The way to transmute my fears and limitation is to Embrace them in Love. This path leads me home to Spirit. Learning to totally Love Self without judgment brings Spirit closer. Each step produces a new awareness, which reaffirms my dedication to being responsible for living true to the Heart and Spirit.
I have walked this path through many incarnations, making the same choices over and over again -- I have kept my self separated from Spirit. Now in the present an opportunity opens to learn my lessons, which releases the bondage of limitation. The challenges encountered on this journey have blessed me with many insights and each illumination has broadened my perspective. Spiritual truth feels closer with each shift.
To actualize Spiritual truth requires releasing judgments, facing fears, learning acceptance and allowance to live in the perfection of Spirit. By affirming the magnificence of each individual and compassionately loving them, instills appreciation of each person's path and allows them the pain they have created to teach themselves.
I Am totally responsible for creating my reality and I have the choice to learn lessons through love--- instead of the Trauma/Drama experience.
The Goddess's of Wisdom
Collage Deborah Eidson 92'

The quest for wisdom has provided the opportunity to undergo rigorous and diverse training. Each new door encountered opens to a grand adventure! Living life in the spirit of adventure allows for the possibility that each door encountered can be an obstacle disguised as a treasure.
Be mindful that just opening door after door only accesses the maze of distraction from the true path. Restraint and discernment need to become cultivated to fully assimilate the energy and lessons to be able to actualize it's Highest-Good for all.
Therefore, having too many irons in the fire becomes a way to avoid discovering self. Experience teaches discernment as whether a particular adventure is for the Highest-Good or just another distraction. Life is an exchange of energy and it is important to maintain a balanced energy flow.
Spirit craves expression. Vision becomes exalted by employing many mediums for depicting its multi-faceted nature. The highest intention to motivate expression is to stimulate healing in self, others and all creation.
I share my vision of the world through various avenues of creation. My many diverse interests include wearing the hats of an artist, artisan, author, healer, psychic, clairvoyant, intuitive empath, photographer, video producer, designer, and Intuitive guide to name a few helping me to actualize my multi-faceted nature. Therefore, learning to express self through different modalities develops and heightens one's multi-dimensional capabilities.

My name is Deborah Eidson and I am a fellow traveler on the road. My path is to manifest my Soul through my personality. In retrospect this was a decision that I made before coming into this incarnation. The journey has lead my through some very interesting twist and turns. Each challenge has served me in a way that has strengthened my commitment to become closer to Spirit.
I have formal training in various Esoteric school's of thought, which have contributed to my outlook and development of my abilities. I have an intense background in the works of Alice Bailey and the psychology of the Seven Rays, as well as other Occult and psychic teachings. All of these traditions have had a significant influence on developing and heightening my abilities.
My earliest and most profound formative influence was my Grandmother. She was a folk healer, with a reputation of an eccentric who believed in UFO's and studied the Tarot through the B.O.T.A. Tradition in the 50's. I was fortunate to have a family that respected and encouraged my gift of intuition.
Extensive traveling has offered many opportunities to experience diverse cultures and be able to study their ethnic healing practices. My youth exposed me to healers and teachers of the Polynesian Kahuna's, Yogi's, and Gypsy arts. Later years lead me to teachers initiated in the various healing traditions of the American Indian's, Curanderos from Mexico, Central and South America, and the Orient.

I am a Registered Massage Practitioner, RMT in the state of Texas. The Upledger Institute has certified me in the techniques of Cranio-Sacral I and II. I have achieved accreditation as a Master NLP practitioner, Hypnotherapist, and Time Line Therapist. In addition I have studied many Hands-On-Healing techniques, for example; polarity, emotional release, acupressure and meridian energy flow, Bio-Magnetics, Pranic healing, past life regressions, Soul recovery, and Aromatherapy to name a few.
My training included a program to develop Intuitive Perception and Awareness . This has contributed to my ability to diagnose energy conditions through empathic skills, psychometry, clairvoyance to see auras, clairaudience to hear messages from Spirit. The many years of training to communicate with Nature Spirits and Devas has culminated in writing the book Vibrational Healing, Revealing the Essence of Nature Through Aromatherapy's Use Of Essential Oils.
I have also completed the OAS Aromatherapy course by Dr. Kurt Schnaubelt the originator of Original Swiss Aromatics. This has extended my background to include a scientific and traditional emphasis on aromatherapy, as well as folk traditions and magical uses.

How I Am Actualizing The Experiences...
Many gifts have been bestowed upon me on the journey. Sharing them with other's brings me the greatest pleasure. My Spiritual Purpose in life is to serve other's on their quest by illuminating the path that guides them home to Source.
My Sacred Offerings details about my various Intuitive consultations and what I call Transformational Therapy incorporates massage, energetic body work, vibrational modalities, Aromatherapy and hands-on-healing techniques.
This accomplishes to Awaken the call of Spirit in others. I am about Change, and people call upon me when they are at a crossroad for Change. Trusting my intuition has bequeathed the gift to communicate with all forms of life. Learning how to listen to Nature has opened me to a myriad of worlds. Some of the worlds are manifested in physical matter others are not. Learning to listen has heightened my Intuition perceptions and enables me to hear, see, and feel the Unseen Realm. All the glorious Beings Of Light have enriched my experience of the world and reality. Some of my transformational stories can be found in Sage Musings.
You can also experience this joy. It requires is learning to laugh at self, and lighten up! Life can be anything you want it to be! So what is keeping you from it? (Yourself) Get out of your way and allow it to be!
Intention Of Soul's Purpose To Co-Creator..
- 1. I am a luminary that lights the realm of choices for a client to choose from.
- 2. I am a witness for you to walk through your fears so you can discover your truth.
- 3. I am here to show you the magnificence of your total self and soul.
- 4. I light the paths of possibility so you can choose the one you want to follow upon.
- 5. I am here to blaze a trail into the heart of the plant kingdom building a bridge that you can cross and experience their gift in a co-creative manner.
- 6. I am here to share my multi-dimensional experiences and transformations for you to begin creating your own.
- 7. I am here to learn to love all existence and experience the awe of it and to feel the joy of renewal and integration through all levels of consciousness.
It Has Been A Joy To Share Apart Of Myself With You.

Doorways of Peru Photos
