Challenges can be stepping stones or stumbling blocks,

It's just a matter of how you view them.


When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen:

Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.

-Edward Teller

We do not grow absolutely, chronologically. We grow sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly. We grow partially. We are relative. We are mature in one realm, childish in another. The past, present, and future mingle and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present. We are made up of layers, cells, constellations.
Anais Nin

Intuitive, Clairvoyant, Empathic, Multi-Dimensional Psychic

Phone Readings and Energy Healings...


To Comfort, Clarify and Inspire!!!

Overcome Life Struggles,

Resolve Past Life Blocks and Karma,

Release Repetitive Situations and Patterns

Align to Greater Future Possibility...

Solutions For All Life's Challenges...

Intuitive Insights To Transform Your Life!!!

Discover Change Can Be A Joyous Adventure...

Spiritual Mentoring To Awaken Soul's Purpose!

Inspiration For Embracing Life!!!

Deborah's Sacred Offerings

Inspiring Transformation!!!

A Spiritual Mentor and Energetic Conductor...
Illuminating Your Journey Of Self-Discovery!!!

Deborah's work is for those seeking

Spiritual EMERGENCE!

Stimulating and Encouraging Spiritual and Personal Growth. She illuminates what You are attracting, for you to recognize the limitations hindering you from achieving Your full potential.
Her insightful guidance and mentoring will impart TOOLS you can use to shift your paradigms, reclaim Your power, unleash Your creative expression, to discover Your Soul Purpose, Awaken Your Inner-Mastery.

Increasing Your Intuition ... Inspires Making Conscious Life Choices!

Deborah's process communicates with Your Spirit, and engages the Angelic, Nature Spirits, Devas, Ascended Masters, Spiritual Healers to directly link with Your own Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and Higher Self and Soul.
She incorporates a unique method of VIBRATIONAL AROMATHERAPY for REVEALING THE ESSENCE OF NATURE! By inviting Nature Devas to align with Your Higher-Self, a Co-Creative alliance forms that nurtures your journey on the path. This system utilizes a variety of eclectic tools combined with the use of Essential Oils to facilitate positive and rapid personal growth on all levels of your Being! The techniques are a resource to use for easing your resistance to change.

She assists you in creating a direct connection to Source / Spirit for receiving clear direction for activating you to begin living your Soul's purpose. Coming into alignment and resonance with your Soul requires that the personality's desires and resistances be healed and realigned to the directives from your Higher-Self and Soul.
The Ego / Personality becomes a vessel of expression for Spirit in Action! We are the energy conducts that infuse spirit into matter. Your life changes as you align with higher frequencies of Spirit /Love.
The higher vibrational frequencies are in greater alignment with Divine Love. Holding these frequencies for infusing Spirit into matter the expression becomes more joyful and loving.
You can choose to release the old dense expression of spirit that struggles to survive and bring forth a more Divine expression of abundance and truth. Awareness is heightened and intent becomes focused to manifest your dreams or Soul's purpose.

Awakening Ancient Knowledge And Wisdom
Activates Your Inherent Healing Abilities!!!

Deborah reads the state of your energy chakras. She relies upon clairvoyance, clairaudience and the tarot to provide insight into energy blockages affecting your life. Presenting opportunities and alternative solutions to resolve personal emotional issues and insights into karmic lessons.

This unique system stimulates intuitive insights into the root-causes of enslaving unconscious beliefs and repetitive behavioral patterns. ONCE YOU BECOME EMPOWERED To Consciously Create Choices Instead Of Reactions, you can then transmute the distortions and blockages in your Emotional, Mental, Physical, Spiritual bodies and Chakras. New attitudes then begin to generate for restoring balance and healing.

The force of grace allows you the freedom to surmount your fears. This develops your integrity, allowance, acceptance, responsibility and compassion towards self and others. Learn to Embrace In Love All of Your Self! This will Expand your Heart Center! Increasing Your Vibration to radiate more Love and Joy!

Lessons Can Now Become Learned Through Love,
Instead Of The Trauma/Drama Experience!!!

Blessings On Your Journey!



Transformational therapy shifts in perception
perception of portals to alternate realities
power spots of ancient civilizations